INC Group

Implementation goal: optimisation of investor project management, streamlining of the area of offer document circulation for investors, digitisation of purchase invoice circulation, automation of the area of contracts and correspondence.
The primary objective of implementing the V-Desk system is to provide a single tool for coordinating the work of the team in individual departments and controlling the timeliness of their execution.


V-Desk electronic workflow system.
The following areas were included and optimised in the system:

  • CRM system for investor relations and investment project management
  • the ArthurDoc system for the generation of documents.

INC S.A. and Dom Maklerski INC are part of INC Group, a dynamically developing Polish capital group. The company’s main activities are investments and advisory services on the capital market.

INC S.A. is an authorised adviser to the New Connect and Catalyst markets in Poland and AeRO in Romania.

Dom Maklerski INC S.A. offers comprehensive services for primary and secondary issues of public and private securities on the WSE regulated market, the New Connect market and the Catalyst market.

“We carry out all tasks within the processes using a single platform. The extensive and tailored tools are a huge advantage of the system.”

Vice-President of the Management Board

Sebastian Huczek

Challenge, analysis and action taken

Until now, all operations and processes in the company were managed and carried out with the help of distributed tools, mainly from the MS Office family, and documents were transmitted by email. With the growth of the company, the expansion of the investor portfolio and the increase in the number of projects undertaken, the need arose to standardise and centralise processes, supported in one system as possible.

An additional challenge for those working in different locations was the need to transmit information in a secure and controlled manner.

Solutions introduced

An analysis of the Company’s business processes led to the decision to replace the previously used tools with a single, intuitive system with complementary solutions. The implementation of the V-Desk system allowed the optimisation of tasks, greater control over projects and the creation of a secure archive of ongoing cases.

The existing workflow and reporting processes, carried out using MS Office tools, were replaced by a workflow|DMS class system.

“[…] automation and process optimisation have led to increased process efficiency, time savings, structured and streamlined management and communication, as well as providing control within processes.”

Vice-President of the Management Board

Sebastian Huczek


A dedicated CRM (Customer Relations Management) platform was configured and implemented for Brokerage INC, which streamlined a key business area. It is now not only a place for customer relationship management, an investor database or a record of contact history. The module is also the initiating point of the securities offering process. The possibility of generating and submitting investment offers directly from the V-Desk application has been provided.


The application has supported one of the stages of the investment process, which is the submission of bids. By automatically sucking in data and generating documents ready for transmission, it has significantly shortened its duration. Data can be transferred directly from the CRM database or extracted from designated files. The preparation of templates and filling them in with data is done automatically, which significantly streamlines work by eliminating the need to enter data in several places.


Automation of registration and circulation of mail. Recording incoming and outgoing letters in a single digital register reduces the possibility of lost or overlooked cases. Additional capabilities such as categorisation and reporting increase efficiency and comfort.


The system streamlines the process of concluding a contract with a contractor. It covers the entire process from drafting through to creating, reviewing and archiving the signed contract.

Provides structured storage with convenient and quick access to documents. With powerful invoicing scheduling tools, it automates the ability to verify the payment status of invoices relating to concluded contracts. Built-in alerts are an additional feature that makes it easier to organise your work.

An integration was created within the module:

  • with an external accounting system,
  • link to Office 365
  • ArthurDoc document template generator.

The facilitated handling of documents means, above all, that it is possible to work concurrently on a contract, add comments to ongoing tasks, complete annexes and addenda.
The digital contracts module has made it possible to organise and structure the management of contracts, keeping track of deadlines and purchase expenditure.


Until now, the company’s process of accepting and registering invoices in accounting took place outside of any IT system. The introduction of System
V-Desk is a digital capture of the entire invoice workflow, which has resulted in an efficient, controllable and structured process.

Invoices are registered automatically from email inboxes, initiating the process of their circulation through successive stages including verification with the white list, assignment and acceptance according to the chart of accounts. The smoothness of the process is ensured by two-way data exchange with the Symfonia accounting system.

Benefits of implemented solutions

  • shortening the bidding process,
  • increased efficiency in working with clients,
  • increasing control over payments,
  • supervision and automation of the invoicing process,
  • digital archives of ongoing investments,
  • automatic notifications.