HR solutions for your business

The V-Desk system makes it possible to effectively manage the processes that make up the broad area of electronic HR documentation in a company. Our solutions are particularly appreciated by HR and personnel departments, where storing documents in digital form improves the management of information flow. All collected data and information is stored and accessible in a secure cloud.

Modules supporting HR in V-Desk and V-Desk GA

Attendance records

This module replaces traditional forms of employee attendance verification and provides an intuitive place to record working time.

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The leave management module helps the employer to introduce leave planning in the organisation and then to supervise and modify the entire process if necessary.

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Business trips

Invoice recovery is a process that enables recovery actions to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

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Employee Card

An essential tool for human resources departments. It is an employee card with all their data, which is an indispensable element of the modules: Records, Delegation and Holidays.

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The module makes it possible to discover the potential and competences of employees by automating repetitive tasks and introducing control and order into HR processes.

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The app allows employees to reward each other for achievements and build a positive team atmosphere.

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The Whistleblower app is a secure platform that allows you to transmit and then handle anonymous reports of undesirable situations.

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How do V-Desk solutions improve HR processes?

The system allows all business trips to be automatically accounted for, even those abroad where exchange rates must be taken into account.

The employee no longer needs to download and print out any holiday application. He or she simply fills it in online and the application goes to the right place.

All timekeeping, holiday and delegation information is stored and shared with the relevant people in a secure cloud.

Kudos on the V-Desk system

Kudos is a tool often used by companies looking to increase employee engagement and build a positive company culture.

It allows employees to reward each other for achievements and build a positive team atmosphere. The Kudos app allows you to monitor progress towards goals and track employee engagement and motivation.

What features does the app have?

The Kudos app offers a number of features to help build a positive atmosphere in the workplace, motivate employees and monitor their engagement. Here are some of the main features that are often available in this type of tool:

Mutual recognition of achievements: Employees can recognise each other’s achievements, good performance or help given to other team members by giving each other ‘kudos’ or similar rewards.

Rewarding with points or awards: The application allows employees to be rewarded with points, badges or other recognition for their contributions and achievements. Points can be exchanged for rewards or benefits within the company.

Monitoring progress towards goals: Employees can track their progress towards individual or team goals, which helps to keep them engaged and motivated.

Creation of a notice and information board: The tool allows the creation of a notice board, for sharing the praise shown.

Human Resources tools – FAQ

Is it possible to use the modules: Delegations, Records, Holidays without having the eCheque module?

Having the eCheque module?
No. The eCheque module is required to use the modules: Delegations, Records and Holidays.

Does the system automatically account for per diem rates?

Of course. V-Desk automatically enters the current per diem rates for settlement. In the case of foreign missions, the domestic and foreign parts are settled in accordance with the applicable law.

Does the system distinguish between different types of leave?

Of course. In the V-Desk system, you can apply for leave: annual leave, special leave, leave for a child under 14, leave related to the birth of a child, training leave, health leave.

Is time recording compulsory?

The keeping of time records is mandatory in order to correctly determine the employee’s salary and other work-related benefits. The employer shall incur a penalty for irregularities in the employee’s time records. Its amount is decided by the PIP inspector, depending on the degree of violation of the law.

In which companies will the Kudos app work?

Implementing a system to develop a culture of kudos can take many forms. One of these is the use of a praise granting application. It will work particularly well in companies where remote or hybrid working is prevalent, when some tasks are performed by employees at a location outside the office.

Kudos on what this means?

The term comes from the Greek language and means praise, recognition. In this sense it has permeated the language in companies, where it is commonly used to describe a culture of employee recognition and appreciation.

Can the Kudos app be integrated into other systems?

The application functions best in a V-Desk system environment and is most frequently used there.