
Development of the digital platform at Polipak

Implementation objective: standardisation and organisation of invoice workflow processes

Solution: V-Desk system implemented in a cloud infrastructure, OCR system by Primesoft

Polipak sp. z o.o. is currently the largest producer of polyethylene film bags in Central and Eastern Europe. The origins of the company date back to 1986. The company has been growing from the beginning to join the international Sarantis Group in 2015, known for such popular brands as Jan Niezbędny and Grosik.

A state-of-the-art laboratory, conducting research projects in cooperation with Polish universities, innovative solutions resulting in patented proprietary products place the company in the position of technological leader in the industry.

Today, Polipak employs more than 300 people, in plants covering a total area of
approx. 11 000 m². It has its own warehouses, including high storage, and modern automated machinery. 1million bags are produced annually at the company.

Out of concern for the environment, they process more than 50 tonnes of recyclables every day.

“The collaboration with Primesoft has resulted in the implementation of IT systems at Polipak, and has increased awareness among the team and employees of what benefits digitisation brings.”

IT Manager at Sarnatis Polska SA

Robert Pelc

Implementation of the V-Desk system at Polipak

Effects and benefits of the solutions used:

  • time saving, cost reduction, elimination of errors and smooth transfer of accepted invoices to the accounting system
  • invoices are paid on time
  • Transparent access and control of expenditure, possibility to optimise costs with regard to budget implementation
  • facilitated search for the information needed, access to data for authorised persons takes only a moment
  • elimination of paper printouts

The flexibility of the implemented system makes the possibility of its development adapted to the Company’s emerging needs an additional and valued asset for our company.”

Polipak CEO

Tomasz Tramś


Attention to continuous development and staying ahead of trends brought dynamic growth to the company. At that time, the number of incoming documents, particularly invoices, increased. Problems arose regarding the timeliness of their processing, caused by downtime in the submission process for approval, which prompted the need to automate these processes.

The stress associated with the proper and efficient transmission of documents to approvers, the risk of overlooking a lost invoice are the main reasons for the decision to take action to introduce systemic solutions and greater digitalisation of the invoice area.

It was decided in 2017 to cooperate with Primesoft Polska, a company offering systems to support digital workflows.

Solutions introduced

A joint analysis and initial consultation meetings led to the decision to digitise processes centred around cost documents. The electronic system encompasses the process of describing and decreeing, as well as submitting invoices for approval by superiors. Cost and purchase invoices are included in the system.

The entire workflow has been simplified and standardised. Already at the registration stage, invoices are digitalised, with the result that the original does not circulate around the company, while employees describe and verify the documents in the system. After scanning and barcoding, the original invoice goes into the archive, while the processing takes place in the system. The further fate of the invoice depends on its type.

In the case of goods invoices – the purchase documents are passed on to the users in the warehouse, where the invoice is combined with the corresponding goods receipt.

The cost invoice, on the other hand, goes through a separate path in the system, and only after approval can it be transferred to the integrated accounting system. The invoice workflow process has been considerably simplified and shortened, as the invoice goes straight to the correct approver, who can then start working on the document after receiving notifications of pending tasks.

“Thanks to the solution, control over the flow of information within our company has been increased, the timeliness of payments has been met, and in addition, processes across the business units have been standardised and aligned.”

IT Manager at Sarnatis Polska SA

Robert Pelc

OCR by Primesoft

The implemented intelligent document reading system, so-called OCR, automatically assigns the recognised information, relieving the person responsible for registration. If necessary, the completed document can undergo verification giving the opportunity to complete the document.

  • relieving the secretariat by means of automated registration
  • documents are registered without undue delay

Cooperation with other systems

Bi-directional data exchange between V-Desk and Exact is provided

Contractor data is completed automatically from the ERP system. There are cases where supplier data has not been previously entered into the EXACT system in which case a request for completion is sent, ensuring that the task is closed and passed on to the next stage in the process. Only after approval by the supervisor does the system allow the invoice to be transferred to the accounting system.

The implementation has brought a number of benefits to the company:

  • time-saving,
  • cost reduction,
  • elimination of errors and smooth transfer of accepted invoices to the accounting system,
  • invoices are paid on time,
  • transparent access and control of expenditure,
  • the possibility of optimising and controlling costs,
  • access to data for authorised employees,
  • ease of searching