

Lhoist Bukowa sp. z o.o.

Implementation objective: To systematise and organise the circulation of documents processed within the ISO quality system. Optimisation of the reporting and handling of non-conformities within the framework of the existing health and safety, environment, quality and energy efficiency systems

Solution: ArthurDoc as document generator, V-Desk system for process and workflow management with digital repository, Scan&Paste – mobile application for reporting irregularities

Lhoist Bukowa sp. z o.o. is part of the international Lhoist Group. As an expert in the production of lime and lime products, it offers its products to customers in many areas of the economy. Thanks to the unique quality of the raw material deposits and strictly controlled technological processes, it supplies highly valued products with related services in the field of logistics, consulting and technological expertise.

“The workflow system from Pimesoft is a simple way to collect quality information, analyse trends, identify problems and take corrective action. This allows us to continuously improve processes and raise quality standards.”

Quality Manager at Lhoist Bukowa sp. z o.o.

Marcin Cygan

Situation analysis

Maintaining excellent quality in line with current standards means full control and improvement of procedures. The work involved in the systematic supervision of cases has hitherto required manual control of the process. Documents were passed between employees by email or from desk to desk.

This approach lacked oversight of the process and documents circulated around the company at risk of being lost. Task completion was delayed, there were difficulties in delegating tasks. There was a lack of organisation and discipline in the process.

The solution introduced

V-Desk, ISO circulation

A workflow module has been implemented within the V-Desk platform, which is used as a storage area, or digital repository. It is used to update existing instructions and create new ones. Documents are developed in the system, and verification and sharing take place here.

ArthurDoc, template generator

In order to create and reprocess new instructions, employees use ready-made letter templates. The intuitive application offers the possibility to automatically generate any template.


One of the elements affecting quality improvement and the improvement of organisational performance is the rapid response to non-conformities.

The effectiveness of the repair depends on easy and fast reporting. A mobile application was therefore used so that anyone almost immediately activating the camera can transmit information directly to the system, and from there the service procedure is initiated.

“The system oversees the successive steps in the creation of procedures, automatically assigns the relevant process participants. Correct distribution of documents and forms, management of their updating, easy access to the archive are all offered by the V-Desk System increasing the precision of management through quality.”

Quality Manager at Lhoist Bukowa sp. z o.o.

Marcin Cygan

Main assumptions

The main reason for launching a digital ISO workflow in the V-Desk system is to streamline the process of registering, developing, verifying, accepting and archiving documentation related to the creation of new procedures, instructions, forms, as well as updating existing ones. In addition, it is simple and intuitive to find documentation for the duration of an audit and to provide interested parties with and use, during ongoing work, the most up-to-date documents available only in one consistent system.

Another objective was to streamline the registration process for occupational safety, quality and environmental not ifications. The aim was to automate the registration stage and forward the notification to a further step in the process, for appropriate action to be taken. The system thus ensures that the appropriate action is taken, confirming its effectiveness. An important part of the project is the monitoring of notifications and the sending of alerts reminding of the passed deadline for handling notifications.

Changes achieved

  • Transition to a digital solution
  • Full digitalisation of the process
  • Automation of notifications
  • Digital repository

Benefits of use

  • Saving paper
  • Reducing the cost associated with printing
  • Process improvements
  • Automation of notifications
  • Automation of registration
  • Full supervision of the workflow
  • Order and organisational discipline