V-Desk recruitment

The V-Desk Recruitment module is an innovative tool dedicated to HR teams, designed and conceived to improve recruitment and HR management processes . It is a digital solution that enables you to discover the potential and competences of your employees by automating repetitive tasks and introducing control and order into your HR processes.

Typical challenges of recruiters. Do you know them?

The V-Desk oversees the recruitment process from the moment the CV is received until the employee is hired, allowing you to keep an eye on deadlines, plan the recruitment timetable and delegate tasks to the employees’ virtual desks according to the rights granted.

Electronic workflow enables the automation of many stages of the recruitment process, such as sending notifications of new applications, scheduling meetings with candidates, assigning tasks to different people in the recruitment team, etc. This allows recruitment staff to focus on the more strategic aspects of the recruitment process rather than repetitive administrative tasks.

The recruitment department often has to deal with a large number of applications and candidate information, which can lead to problems in effectively managing this data. To prevent information processing chaos, it is necessary to collect all data into one easily managed system.

An electronic recruitment application will ensure that they are securely stored and that the information you need is easy to find. As a result, it will make it easier to make the right decisions when recruiting.

One of the reasons for protracted recruitment can be a lack of internal communication within the company. This happens when appropriate tools are not implemented to support the tasks of recruiters and decision-makers.

Cooperation and good communication between them is ensured by the recruitment module in the V-Desk system. Tasks are then assigned to the responsible persons and the entire process is supervised.

Electronic recruitment in V-Desk and V-Desk GA

A turnkey solution is available on the V-Desk GA platform. It will meet the needs of typical recruitment processes. For more complex and demanding recruitment procedures, experienced analysts will help select a dedicated solution.

Recruitment at the V-Desk – FAQ

Yes, V-Desk can be integrated with other HR systems, enabling comprehensive HR processes.

Yes, V-Desk provides technical support for its users to ensure smooth operation of the system.