Purchase management software

The starting point for purchasing processes in the V-Desk system is the purchasing documentation in the form of an electronic application. Once completed by the user, it is subjected to further processes such as validation and automatic completion with data on: assortment, quantity, purchaser and contractor data.

The V-Desk system allows control and planning of expenditure before the actual obligation is incurred, based on the relevant purchase documents.

Are you familiar with these corporate purchasing management issues?

V-Desk enables the preparation and registration of orders, including the registration of documents and the circulation of requests for quotations.

V-Desk is such a system. Access to purchasing documentation is available to authorised employees, who can retrieve any procurement reports.

In the V-Desk system, purchasing procedures are integrated into the budgeting module through access to records of purchase invoices. This provides the possibility of collating reports.

Purchasing management in V-Desk and V-Desk GA

The Purchasing module is available in both V-Desk implementation models. It can be configured in a dedicated version of the V-Desk system and can also be selected from the ready-made V-Desk GA processes.

We will integrate the V-Desk into your systems

The advantage of the V-Desk system is that it can be integrated with virtually any IT system. There is no company on the market that does not already use some software. The whole magic is to integrate any software used in the company with V-Desk in such a way as to improve the business processes in the organisation.

Purchasing management on the V-Desk – FAQ

Yes. As soon as a purchase invoice appears in the organisation, it is automatically paired with an order. Decree and acceptance are transferred from the purchase order to the invoice, which significantly shortens the invoice workflow process and optimises purchasing management.

Yes. By integrating with the central counterparty database in an ERP, CRM or other field system, V-Desk gains the ability to share it between systems.

Yes. Defining cyclical orders will optimise the management of purchasing processes without taking away the control dimension.