Asset management in V-Desk

The fixed asset management application provides a complete overview of all company assets. This intuitive and easy-to-use tool gives you access to information at your fingertips, allows you to record, keep records of fixed assets in one central place digitally.

Are you familiar with these problems concerning the management of the company’s fixed assets?

The digital catalogues are equipped with mechanisms to facilitate data filtering, as well as full-text searching, which reduces the time it takes to find information with a single click. In addition, features such as OCR will speed up document registration.

Practical reminder and alert functions ensure that the tasks and deadlines associated with a measure are not overlooked.

The data collected in the system will allow the generation of depreciation and write-off plans.

In the record-keeping process, meticulous preparation of documents is important. It is imperative that all necessary information on individual fixed assets is documented. Record-keeping should be flawless in order to count on the possibility of depreciating costs.

Fixed Asset Management in V-Desk and V-Desk GA

A turnkey solution is available on the V-Desk GA platform. It will meet the needs of typical fixed asset management processes.

For more complex and demanding processes, experienced analysts will help tailor and configure a dedicated solution.

We will integrate V-Desk into your ERP system

The advantage of the V-Desk system is that it can be integrated with virtually any IT system. There is no company on the market that does not already use some software. The whole magic is to integrate any software used in the company with V-Desk in such a way as to improve the business processes in the organisation.

Fixed assets in the company – FAQ

According to the law, these are all assets acquired by the company that are complete and fit for use for more than one year. Companies keep records of assets in order to comply with the law if they account for them on the basis of a revenue and expense ledger or a lump sum.

A company’s fixed assets include, but are not limited to: structures, buildings, machinery, equipment, means of transport and other items.

According to the definition, depreciation deductions can be made when the following provisions are met:

  • value of the asset higher than PLN 10 000
  • the asset is owned or co-owned by the depreciating party
  • the component was self-produced or acquired
  • the component is fit for use and complete