Workflow – the flow of information within the company

An efficient flow of information within a company is the key to success. The V-Desk system ensures this on many levels. From the module for efficient customer relationship management (CRM), through a transparent intranet facilitating internal communication and a module for effective project documentation management, to the ISO module, which makes it possible to supervise audits in companies that boast ISO certification.

Information flow modules
in the V-Desk and V-Desk GA


V-Desk CRM is a digital database of information accessible from anywhere to manage sales more efficiently.

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The ISO module will allow you to manage documentation, oversee audits and training under the ISO system in any company that can boast a certificate.

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Project documentation

This module ensures efficient communication between project participants while guaranteeing data security.

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A comprehensive tool for effective corporate communication. Based on web access, the service facilitates the secure transmission of current information.

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100% Polish capital and extensive experience in implementing IT solutions.
Increased competitiveness of your company, thanks to digitalisation.

How do V-Desk solutions streamline your company’s workflow processes?

The possibility of creating a contractor card by filling in data from the CSO database. Integration with the government database allows this activity to be automated.

The intranet supports all activities to build a good atmosphere in the organisation as a tool for publishing positive news.

The project documentation management module informs about changes made, allows them to be tracked and keeps a history.

Information flow within the company – FAQ

What is a workflow?

In a broader sense, the term is used to describe the way information flows between the various objects involved in processing it. In a narrower sense, it is a term used to describe the way in which documents flow between employees carrying out a certain algorithmic set of activities taking place according to a given number of

What is CRM?

A set of procedures and tools relevant to customer relationship management. CRM (customer relationship management) should be seen as a business philosophy, focused on the customer and affecting the organisation. The customer, including his or her needs, expectations, tastes, preferences and behaviour, is an asset, not a cost.

What is an intranet?

It is a non-public telecommunications network that can be accessed from access points located within a single organisational structure. An intranet can usually only be accessed by employees of an organisation.

Will the CRM in the V-Desk system allow you to plan the sales process?

The system makes it possible to guide the entire project from contacting a potential customer to finalising a contract. The CRM system makes it possible to track the progress of individual transactions, identify stages that require attention and forecast future revenues.

Can I present the company’s organisational structure on the intranet?

Yes. Presenting the organisational structure on the intranet helps employees to understand how the company works, increases transparency in the organisation, which builds trust.