Who is a whistleblower? How does e-Whistleblower app work?

  • On 23, October 2019 a directive on the protection of those who report breaches (Directive (EU) 2019/1937) was aproved by the European Parliment and European Council.
  • The Directive, known as the “Whistleblowing Directive” gauranteeing the protection of whistleblowers and prohibiting any form of retaliation comes into force on 17th of December 2021.
  • The law has already been implemented in some of the EU countries, yet most are to comply having the laws draft issued.

Althoug EU countries dawdle to introduce laws meeting the requirenments of the Directive, the companies don’t need to wait for it. They are welcomed to implement the system and usefull tools, which may be modified after the laws are issued.

Who is affected by the Directive?

Directive of the protection of those who report breaches doesn’t apply to all companies. The following entities will be obliged to comply with the legislation:

  • all private companies with more than with more than 250 employees
  • companies with 50 to 249 must comply 17, December 2023
  • entities offering fanancial services, products and acting in fanacial markets, dealing with the prevenation of money laundering or terrorist funding, transport security or environment protection
  • all organization in the public sector with more than 50 employees
  • micro and small entrepreneurs who bid for public contracts or benefit from EU funding.

Whistleblowing Directive requirements

In order to comply with EU Whistleblowing Directive the companies should comply with the following:

  • install both internal and external channels to reporting
  • establish mechanisms of reporting and educate employees of their options
  • provide reporting channels and follow ups on reports
  • ensure protection for whistlblowers from retalitation

e-Whistleblower by Primesoft

Do you care about safe working environment for your employees?
Do you know how to ensure compliant reporting procedures of the incidents? Do you know how to ensure reporter’s anonymity?
Standard tools might not be enough. You can save time and start a digital reporting workflow without involving the IT department. It is especially for V-Desk System users, that a no-code application is ready to use. Find out what is has to offer.

e-Whistleblower application offers

  • reproter’s anonymity
  • comfort for the person who reports
  • transparency and culture of trust development in a company
  • security of information
  • swift and relevant response to wrongdoing
  • automatization of reports handling

Submit incident reports in one place, according to guidelines that comply with the organization’s standards. This will be facilitated by a reporting form tailored to the organization’s procedures.

Provide your employees with a safe and comfortable work environment. Enjoy your trust as an employer that provides the tools for efficient reporting with the security of the reporting party’s data. If you want to know more contact our expert now.

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