“Electronic Information Flow” at the GigaCon conference

How do you put all your documents and business processes together in one place?

Jakub Szymczak talks to Hubert Klupiec during the GigaCon conference. The head of Primesoft’s implementation department talks about the advantages of electronic document workflow in a company, how to choose the ideal supplier and how to best integrate with KSeF and e-Delivery.

🔹What problems does electronic workflow solve?
🔹How do I find the perfect EOD provider?
🔹What to look for when choosing the right supplier?
🔹How to implement an EOD system in the company?
🔹How to integrate the organisation with the KSeF system?
🔹How to integrate a company with an e-Delivery system?
🔹V-Desk or V-Desk GA – which implementation model to choose?

So many questions, and all the answers in one place. The ideal occasion was the conference entitled ‘Electronic Information Flow’ organised by GigaCon – IT and business conferences. During it, these doubts were dispelled by Jakub Szymczak and Hubert Klupieć.

We do not doubt that there are still questions in your mind, the answers to which you do not know. However, there is no need to worry, our experts will certainly find the answers.